Thursday, November 29, 2007

Updated Photos of Brooke and Itinerary

According to her update as of 11/12/07 she is 28" tall and and 21 lbs. Wow she is 2lbs bigger and a 1/2 inch taller than Sienna was at the same age!


12/5-leave for Hong Kong

12/6- Arrive Hong Kong at 7:40pm-Regal Kowloon, Hong Kong

12/7-Free day while waiting for group to fly in

12/8-Hong Kong tour

12/9-depart Hong Kong/arrive Nanchang-WE GET BROOKE TODAY!-JinFeng Hotel

12/10-12/15 Chinese adoption business/touring/bonding in Nanchang

12/16- depart nanchang/arrive Guangzhou-White Swan Hotel

12/17-12/19 business at US Consulate business/shopping/ touring

12/20 free day

12/21 -depart Guangzhou-via China Southern/arrive Hong Kong and depart flight #856 United for LAX arrive 8:35am that same day! Brooke arrives and becomes a US Citizen! Welcome home little girl!

We are all set and just have to finish at work, pack, buy a few more items...


Anonymous said...

I love Brooke's new photos. She is beautiful. Have a great trip.

Eyelyon said...

Gorgeous baby girl! Have fun. Can't wait to meet her.