Saturday, October 13, 2007

This was a tough week...but we are next!

This was a tough work week as the "big" deal had a major hiccup when the approval was sent to our Chairman in Taiwan (we all thought that was not a necessity but somehow a major glitch occured) and he had major questions that needed to be answered and at one point I was on my way to Portland....That seems to have been put off for now. I will probably go next week with our Sr. Credit Officer. Everyone one is on board and confidant the chairman will be but, for now that was trying.

In addition to that I had some lingering issues with the office build out that included a subcontractor who couldn't be paid because he refused to complete a w9. He was in my face demanding payment in cash. The President of the Bank heard part of the ranting when he called me on the phone and heard the man screaming in the background.

All this on top of issues at Rosemary Childrens Services, a terrible cold that knocked both John and I down....And the worst of it, TERMITES. Big infestation, 2 types in different areas of the house. We have to tent and treat the soil under the house and we have do it before we leave for China. Big $ to do this work...oh well.

We should be getting our referral in 3 weeks or so (unless the sky falls or something)....Our agency's next LID dates of 12/5 and 12/6 are next and it looks like we will have a good size travel group.

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