Monday, April 30, 2007


This has been a much better week. Everyone is fine and the car has been repaired. Friday we enjoyed a casual pot luck to Sienna's school, Saturday we hung out at the UCLA Festival of books (always a great event) and Sunday we helped celebrate Aunt Harriet's 70th at Maggione's. In between we bought supplies to do the Wainscote on Brooke's nursery walls. It should look cute with the baseboard, beadboard then the chair rail. Above the chair rail we may put a cute border and then the wall is painted pink. Very very girlie...I hope we are not surprised. We also have to paint the blinds off white because the natural wood color does not work well with the pink color.

On the somewhat good side the CCAA processed through to November 1st. Although this was just 6 days they were huge days and we were nervous that they would not get through the rest of October. It is also very uplifting to be in November with only 35 days ahead of us. I am hoping they can get November done in 3 months and we can get our referral in September! Keep your fingers crossed as it does look like less babies are being referred this year. Fall travel would be much better for us being we could avoid that summer oven. Let's hope the latest we get our referral is September. That would put travel at October or November.

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